Table of Contents adjective + on + noun Created:22 Nov 2017 13:34:40 , in intermediate Pattern Adjective + on + noun pattern is often used to point out to presence or lack of a certain quality / attribute / trait in a person or inanimate object. This medicine is gentle on the tummy. Tom is just too short on patience to complete the project successfully. Sometimes adjective + on + verb pattern occurs in its longer form: adjective + on + qualityA but adjective + on + qualityB. Andy is long on passion but short on endurance, so he might never succeed as a tennis player. Or in other words: Andy has plenty of passion but not enough endurance in him. Shortage of the latter trait might prevent him from becoming a successful tennis player in the future. Example sentences Here are are some more examples. Many people tend to dislike our radio station for being long on speech and short on music. This years contest was long on participants but short on projects. :ads: This post was updated on 22 Nov 2017 13:38:25 Tags: adjective , noun , on