Causing something to happen yourself and causative have pattern

Causing something to happen yourself and causative have pattern

Created:24 Oct 2019 14:37:17 , in  advanced


Among others, causative have pattern can be used to describe situations in which a person causes something to happen herself.

the pattern is: have + noun / noun phrase + third form of verb.


Tom is having his windows replaced today.

While shopping yesterday, I had my car scratched very badly.

Here are a few more complex examples with causative have pattern in them.

Imagine, that due to a sustained exposure to bad weather conditions a fence in front of your house has started falling apart. You want it fixed. Perhaps some contractor can do it for you. You might describe this situation as follows:

My fence is falling apart, however I have spoken to a roofing contractor already and will have it fixed by the end of this week.

Tom has spotted an error on his most recent payslip and reported it immediately. As a result he is going to have his overtime recounted and totaled.

Tanya can't cope with her very long hair anymore, so she has decided to book an appointment with a hairdresser. During the appointment she will have both her hair cut down and dyed.

After three weeks of relentless pain I had bitten the bullet, went to a dentist and had my wisdom tooth removed.


This post was updated on 24 Oct 2019 18:01:14

Tags:  have ,  verb 

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have my car serviced   have them replaced   have it fixed   have it set up   had it both reviewed  

#1 I in the same garage and by the same mechanic.

#2 I put my CV together by myself, but and corrected professionally.

#3 My guitar no longer plays well, fortunately I have saved some money to pay to by a luthier.

#4 Tom, the roof is leaking. Can we before the next storm comes along, please?

#5 These chairs are nearly 20 years old and shabby, we must !

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