Common expressions related to fighting and struggling

Common expressions related to fighting and struggling

Created:30 Mar 2024 12:50:55 , in  intermediate

Expressions related to fighting and struggling are commonly used in everyday English language to convey various aspects of conflict, competition, and determination. These phrases draw upon the imagery and symbolism of combat to articulate emotions, attitudes, and experiences in a concise and vivid manner. From describing heated arguments to emphasizing resilience and perseverance, these phrases offer insight into the ways in which human interactions are shaped by the language of battle. At least a couple of them are worthy of knowing. Let's take a look at the most common of them.

Expressions related to fighting and struggling and their meaning

battle tooth and nail - to put in maximum effort and determination to achieve a goal, often in the face of strong opposition,

be locked in combat - to engaged in a struggle or competition, often with significant stakes or opposing forces,

clash swords / cross swords - to engaged in conflict or confrontation, often metaphorically, in pursuit of a goal or position,

engaged in a struggle - to get actively involved in a contest or effort to achieve a desired outcome,

fight the good fight - to Struggle or strive for something considered worthy or noble, often in the face of adversity or injustice,

fight tooth and claw - similar to "battling tooth and nail," to struggle to achieve something in a determined manner,

go to the mat - to put forth one's maximum effort and dedication, often in a competitive or confrontational situation,

jockey for position - compete or manoeuvre in order to gain an advantageous position relative to others, often in a competitive context,

put up a fight - to resisting or opposing something strongly, often in defense of one's interests or principles,

wage war - to engaging in a prolonged and intense effort to achieve a particular goal or overcome a challenge.


Despite facing numerous setbacks, West Ham battled tooth and nail to secure their place in the finals.

Both main political parties have been waging war over healthcare funding for months.

As the negotiations intensified, both sides went to the mat, refusing to back down until a compromise was reached.

Tags:  effort ,  fight 

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put up   for position   the good fight   locked in   swords  

#1 In the highly competitive industry, companies are constantly combat for market share.

#2 The activists were fighting , tirelessly advocating for environmental protection in the face of corporate opposition.

#3 Again and again, the two rival gangs clashed in a territorial dispute over control of the neighbourhood.

#4 The candidates were jockeying in the upcoming election using any available means.

#5 Despite facing criticism from all sides, Frank a fight as never before.

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