Common verbs that typically require an adverbial

Common verbs that typically require an adverbial

Created:19 Sep 2024 01:01:13 , in  intermediate

In English, one common clause type is based on object + verb + adverbial pattern. The adverbial is an essential part of the pattern because the verb that precedes it, requires one. Obviously, not all verbs need an adverbial. Those that can't go without it, often indicate an action or a state that is incomplete without additional essential details such as location, direction, manner, time, or purpose.

Let's take a look at some common verbs that require an adverbial now.

Go - incomplete without an adverbial of place (e.g., "to the store").

Put - often needs an adverbial of place (e.g., "on the table") to indicate where something is placed.

Live - requires an adverbial of place (e.g., "in New York") to clarify where someone resides.

Stay - typically needs an adverbial of place or time (e.g., "at the hotel") to indicate where or for how long someone stayed.

Travel - usually needs an adverbial of manner or place (e.g., "by train" or "to Italy") to specify the mode of travel or destination.

Come - often followed by an adverbial of place or time (e.g., "home" or "early").

Arrive - requires an adverbial of place (e.g., "at the airport") to indicate where someone arrives.

Sit - needs an adverbial of place (e.g., "by the fire") to describe where the action occurred.

Move - typically needs an adverbial of manner or direction (e.g., "quickly" or "down the street").

Drive - requires an adverbial of place or manner (e.g., "to the city" or "carefully").

Example clauses

He arrived at the airport.

The car moved quickly down the street.

He drove to the city.

This post was updated on 19 Sep 2024 01:44:15

Tags:  adverbial ,  clause ,  verb 

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travelled   went   sat   came   put   stayed  

#1 Jack to the store.

#2 Tobie the book on the table.

#3 We at the hotel.

#4 Gina and Mike by train.

#5 Carol home early.

#6 They by the fire.

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