Converging, diverging and being in equilibrium with one another

Converging, diverging and being in equilibrium with one another

Created:26 Jul 2024 00:57:15 , in  intermediate

In English, it is useful to be able to indicate if two things, like planets, cars, rivers or aerorplanes etc., move towards one another, move away from one another or maintain a stable, balanced position relative to each other. In this text we look at two verbs for describing movement and one expression for indicating a state, that make it easy. They are: "converge", "diverge" and ""be in equilibrium""


To converge, means to come together from different directions and meet at a point.

When things converge, they move towards each other and eventually join or meet.


The two streams converge at the delta where they form a single river.

Scientists from different fields converge at the conference to discuss climate change.


Too move or extend in different directions from a common point.

When things diverge, they spread apart or move away from each other.


These two paths diverge in the forest.

Over time their opinions began to diverge causing disagreements.

Be in Equilibrium

Being in equilibrium is the state of being balanced or stable, where opposing forces or influences are equal, leading to no net change.


The seesaw will be in equilibrium when both sides have equal weight.

After the chemical reaction, the concentrations of helium and tritium will be in equilibrium.

This post was updated on 26 Jul 2024 01:28:19

Tags:  verb 

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diverged   to be in equilibrium   diverge after   converge on   in equilibrium to  

#1 The forces acting on the suspended bridge must be ensure its stability.

#2 The two cars leaving the parking lot.

#3 For the market to be in equilibrium, the supply of goods must match the demand.

#4 The researchers' theories a common explanation.

#5 When tectonic plates , a new oceanic ridge was formed.

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