Explaining order of events in time using adverbs

Explaining order of events in time using adverbs

Created:07 Oct 2023 14:09:34 , in  intermediate

In English, there exists a pattern for explaining order of events in time. The pattern is based on use of adverbs: "first", "next", "then" and "finally".

Below are the adverbs followed by their meaning in the context of event order in time.


first - before all others in time

First, I turned left at the first traffic lights.


next - immediately after in time

Next, I walked past a museum in the city centre.


then - next in time

Then, I travelled on the bus for one hour.


finally - after all others in time

Finally, I arrived at my place of destination.


Here are all the above events as an example sequence:

First, I turned left at the first traffic lights.

Next, I walked past a museum in the city centre.

Then, I travelled on the bus for one hour.

Finally, I arrived at my place of destination.

Below is another example of events that occurred in a sequence:

First, she put a teabag into a cup.

Next, she added a teaspoon of sugar.

Then, she poured water.

After that, she added in a drop of milk.

Finally, she sat down and took a sip.

After that

Adverbs "next" and "then" can be applied many times while explaining order of events between the first and the last one in a sequence. However, to avoid their repetitive use in consecutive sequences, "after that" can be used in place of either of them as done in the example above.

Here is a further extended example of describing order of events:

First, they send you a polite request letter.

Next, they try to call you.

Then, they pound on your door every week for a month.

Afterwards, they warn you that they could take you to a court of law.

After that, they send you one or two threatening overdue payment reminders by post.

Then, they try to catch you outside of your house.

Finally, if unsuccessful with the last step, they give up and delete your name from their debtor database.

This post was updated on 07 Oct 2023 17:07:58

Tags:  adverb ,  order ,  Time 

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increased to £4.75   Then she cycled   First she agreed   Finally, you put   Finally, place  

#1 First, she had a quick dinner. Next she got her bike out the shed. in the park for two hours. Finally, she met her friend at bike ramps.

#2 to help, next, she changed her mind and even stopped speaking to for some time me, then, she texted me again and said she was sorry. Finally, after a couple of weeks she spoke to me in person and explained reasons behind her erratic behaviours towards me.

#3 First, the bus ticket was £2.50. Next, it was raised to £3.00. Then, it went up to £4.00 six months ago. Finally, yesterday I learnt the price had been the previous week.

#4 First, you listen to guitar music. Next, you buy your first guitar. Then, you try to learn to play it. After that, you conclude you are not up to it. your favourite instrument away for good and let it gather dust in the corner.

#5 First, wait for your new fridge to settle. Next, connect the appliance to the mains and turn it on. Then, wait for the temperature inside the fridge to drop to the preset treshold. your vegetables, meats and dairy in the correct compartments of the fridge.

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