Table of Contents Expressing being addicted or enslaved Created:31 Mar 2024 14:36:59 , in intermediate English is full of expressions that describe how deeply something can influence an individual. Some of these expressions convey the idea of being captivated, addicted, or even enslaved by something. Other highlight the powerful hold that certain things can have over people, impacting their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Some of expressions, especially these related to being addicted or somhow enslaved are very common in today's publications and news, so they definitely worth knowing. Let's take a look at more popular among them and what every of them means. under the spell of - being under the influence or control of something, as if enchanted or hypnotized by it, enslaved by - being completely controlled or dominated by something, as if being a slave to it, in the grip of - being strongly influenced or controlled by something, often in a way that is difficult to escape from, addicted to - being dependent on something, often in a compulsive or harmful way, as if unable to resist its allure, obsessed with - being overly preoccupied or consumed by something, as if unable to think about anything else, captivated by - being strongly attracted or fascinated by something, as if unable to look away from its allure, under the sway of - being under the influence or control of something, as if being swayed or influenced by its power, slave to - being completely subservient or controlled by something, as if being a slave to its demands or desires. hooked on - being strongly addicted or attached to something, as if caught or ensnared by it, in the clutches of - being firmly held or controlled by something, as if caught in its grasp. Examples Mary has been under the spell of social media for years. Despite her best efforts, Frank found himself enslaved by his addiction to gambling Ever since trying it for the first time, Randy has been hooked on video games This post was updated on 31 Mar 2024 15:14:35 Tags: addiction