Modifying meaning of verbs with adverbs

Modifying meaning of verbs with adverbs

Created:28 Sep 2017 14:01:13 , in  intermediate


One of common functions of the adverb in the English Language sentence is to modify meaning of the verb or verb phrase which it follows.

Generally, the position of the adverb is different to the position of the adjective in the sentence. The adjective acts as a modifier of the noun which it precedes.

Remembering what the adverb and the adjective modify respectively and where they are placed in the sentence simplifies dealing with the cases where an adverb and an adjective look the same.

Here are some examples of this:

This train travels direct to Brussels.

A direct train travels to Brussels.

Mike competed hard still he lost the race.

It was a hard day, so I'm glad it is over now.


Tom answered earnestly, turned around and left the room.

It took six attempts for Jude to spell my surname correctly.

At the meeting John stated firmly that he would not change his attitude.


This post was updated on 28 Sep 2017 15:14:41

Tags:  adverb ,  verb 

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