Rise and raise verbs in English

Rise and raise verbs in English

Created:11 Apr 2024 12:56:44 , in  intermediate

Although verbs "rise" and "raise" look almost identical, they are two distinct words in English with different meanings and grammatical functions. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


"Rise" is an intransitive verb (it does not require a direct object) that indicates upward movement, ascent, or elevation.

The verb is used to describe the action of moving from a lower to a higher position, such as the sun rising in the morning or a person rising from a seated position.


"Raise" is also a transitive verb (it requires a direct object), but it indicates the action of lifting, elevating, or increasing something.

The verb is used to describe the action of causing something to move upward or to a higher position, often with the implication of exerting effort to do so.


The sun rises in the east every morning.

Deborah raised her hand to ask a question.

Karen watched the hot air balloon rise slowly into the sky.

This post was updated on 13 Apr 2024 01:14:09

Tags:  verb 

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#1 The sun will the east tomorrow morning.

#2 Mary asked the students to raise their hands if they knew the answer.

#3 As the temperature drops, the demand for hot chocolate .

#4 Our organization aims to about climate change through educational campaigns.

#5 After a heavy rainfall, river Wye began to .

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