Striking the right balance with adverb far

Striking the right balance with adverb far

Created:08 Oct 2024 17:56:14 , in  advanced

In English, one fairly common phrase is "far enough, but not too far". It is a combination of balancing adequacy (far enough) with caution (not too far) used to express a middle ground or compromise.


The phrase has two components:

"far enough" indicates a satisfactory degree of distance,

"but not too far" adds a limiting condition, with "too" signalling excess.

The second part contrasts with the first, emphasizing that the distance should not be excessive.


We walked far enough, but not too far from the campsite to enjoy some privacy without getting lost.

To go far enough but not too far

Sometimes "far enough, but not too far" is preceded by verb "to go" and means to make sufficient progress, or take an action to the right degree, but without going to an extreme or overdoing it. It suggests a balance, or doing enough to achieve the desired result, but stopping short of excess or unintended consequences.


In her speeches on tollerance, Tracy usually goes far enough, but not too far in making her points.

Underperforming or overstepping

The opposite of "to go far enough, but not too far" is "to not go far enough, or to go too far". It indicates underperforming ( not doing enough, or falling short of what is needed or expected), or overstepping ( going too far, or exceeding what is appropriate or acceptable).


Usually Sarah either doesn't go far enough in explaining her view, or goes too far by making personal remarks.

This post was updated on 08 Oct 2024 20:27:51

Tags:  adverb 

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but don't go far   if you go too far   your ideas far   not too far to  

#1 Make your point strongly, but , you might offend them.

#2 Make sure to push enough but not too far, so that they remain respectful during the debate.

#3 Mark updated the layout far enough, but keep it fresh without losing the brand’s identity.

#4 Improve the design, enough to complicate it unnecessarily.

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