Verb followed by indirect and direct object in the same sentence

Verb followed by indirect and direct object in the same sentence

Created:25 May 2024 16:23:51 , in  elementary

In English, many sentences include a verb, an indirect object, and a direct object. They follow a common pattern, one that helps clarify who receives the action and what the action is. The pattern is:


Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object

In the pattern:

Verb is the action word.

The direct object is the thing being acted upon by the verb.

The indirect object is the recipient of the direct object.

The direct object answers the question "what" or "whom".

The indirect object answers the question "to whom" or "for whom".


Mary gave her friend a book.

Verb: gave

Indirect Object: her friend (the recipient of the book)

Direct Object: a book (the thing being given)

Here are two more examples:

John is driving his brother's car.

Martha bought her child a booka rattle.

This post was updated on 25 May 2024 16:24:44

Tags:  Object ,  verb 

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#1 He his sister a postcard.

#2 She students a lesson.

#3 They the guests some refreshments.

#4 We showed the tourists .

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