Verb infinitive and split verb infinitive patterns

Verb infinitive and split verb infinitive patterns

Created:10 Nov 2020 15:17:31 , in  elementary

Verb infinitive is the basic form of verb (verb stem) that follows "to". Hence, the pattern used to create a verb infinitive is: to + verb stem.

Examples of verb infinitives

Here are some examples of popular verb infinitives:

  • to be,

  • to say,

  • to watch,

  • to focus,

  • to compare.

Split verb infinitives

A verb infinitive can be extended and become a split verb infinitive.

Split verb infinitives have an extra adverb put between "to" and verb stem. So, the pattern they are based on looks as follows: to + adverb + verb stem.

Examples of split verb infinitives

Here are some basic examples of split verb infinitives:

  • to gladly agree,

  • to swiftly decide,

  • to merrily laugh,

  • to calmly refuse,

  • to wholly agree.



What follows are some example sentences of both verb infinitives and split verb infinitives used in a sentence.

We agreed to work together.

Jenny promised to carefully reconsider her resignation.

We plan to discount and swiftly sell all our remaining stock of furniture.

This post was updated on 10 Nov 2020 16:56:26

Tags:  adverb ,  verb 

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#1 Tom decided and help us with our project.

#2 John said that the rest of the task was for me .

#3 He usually goes before 10 p.m. .

#4 This company used data they had collected competition in this country.

#5 It is the manager who decides what new products .

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